Actor Sonu Sood on Wednesday took the vaccine for Covid-19 prevention at a hospital in Amritsar, Punjab. The actor also launched "Sanjeevani: A Shot of Life", an initiative to encourage people to get vaccinated and raise awareness.
Speaking about the same, Sonu Sood said: "I wanted to start this drive because I feel it is very important to bring that awareness among people who are still thinking whether they should get vaccinated or not. Family members should push their elder ones, people who are eligible to get vaccinated. It will only help them survive the times we are facing in the near future."
"We are doing this in many districts and a lot of villages in Punjab and different states. The awareness is not much and they still have double thoughts whether they should get vaccinated or not. That's why I wanted to get vaccinated in front of everyone and send the message across that don't think twice. We will get a lot of camps done. This is a movement that we are trying to start to increase awareness," he added.
Got my vaccine today and now it's time to get whole of my country vaccinated. Started the biggest vaccination drive "Sanjeevani" which will bring awareness and get our people vaccinated. @IlaajIndia @Network18Group @SoodFoundation
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) April 7, 2021
The initiative is a CSR drive that intends to reach Indian citizens with relevant information about the Covid-19 prevention vaccine.
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