Actor Kiara Advani starrer Indoo Ki Jawani is the third Hindi film to open in theatres, overseas post Covid-19. Kiara plays a girl from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, in the Abir Sengupta directorial, as the story revolves around her misadventures with dating apps. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar, Krishan Kumar (T-Series), Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, Nikkhil Advani (Emmay Entertainment) & Niranjan Iyengar, Ryan Stephens (Electric Apples Entertainment).
Interestingly, Kiara Advani starrer Laxmii alongside Akshay Kumar was the first film to release in theatres, overseas, last month after cinemas re-opened in many countries. As Indoo Ki Jawani released on December 11, we look at the Day 1 overseas box office collections.
Australia box office
1,239 USD [Rs. 91,075] from 25 screens
New Zealand box office
454 USD [Rs. 33,372] from 11 screens
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama