Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani starrer Laxmii made its way to the streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar on November 9, 2020. As the theatres had been shut since the March amid the lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic, many films saw direct-to-OTT release. With theatres opening up on 50% capacity in many states in India, some previous films are hitting the theatres and only few new releases will happen on big screen. Amongst the films seeing no theatre release would be Laxmii but only in India. The film has been released in theatres overseas [U.A.E, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji] but in limited capacity. We now look at the box office numbers from the overseas territories.
Australia box office
704 USD [Rs. 51,729] from 12 screens
New Zealand box office
534 USD [Rs. 39,247] from 9 screens
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama https://ift.tt/36rxgcP