Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor was admitted to HN Reliance hospital in Mumbai on Wednesday. Talking to a web portal, Rishi Kapoor's brother Randhir Kapoor confirmed the same. He said that Rishi is not well and that Neetu Kapoor is by his side.
Rishi Kapoor had returned to India in September last year after being treated for cancer in New York for nearly a year. While he was in New York, his wife Neetu Kapoor was by his side throughout. His son Ranbir Kapoor and rumoured girlfriend Alia Bhatt would often visit the ailing Rishi Kapoor.
After returning to India, Rishi Kapoor had said that he is eager to face the camera and hoped that he hasn't forgotten the craft. Rishi Kapoor was last seen in the film The Body that was released in December 2019. The film also starred Emraan Hashmi.
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